Monday, January 13, 2020

I think I should blog again... Maybe

Holy poop it's been a while since I blogged.

I have been writing actually. I have this desire to create a new blog for my book, but that seems kind of stupid.

I figure the best thing to do is to just post here on the blog I created sooo long ago.

Why not!

So here's a link to the new book.

The book is called The Daily Observations of a Fat Girl On Her Journey to (Try) And Lose Weight

Written by me: Genesis Eve Garcia

Published on Amazon because that's how we do it when we are self publishing!

It's good. I like it.

I think it could be improved... but I also think the topics are important enough that I wanted to get it out in the world. I am nervous... but also really proud of it. There's nothing quite so ridiculously scary as sharing yourself honestly, with all your flaws.