Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday and Tuesday Updates

Yesterday, I had a great time at lunch with Josh (he helped me get the teaching gig at NOVA--great guy--in my C2 Ward). He told me about a news story he heard about how women's brains shrink when they're having a baby by 6% and when the baby is 6 months old, their brains grow beyond the size they were before. It seems there is a scientific explanation for Mother's Intuition. I love it! I want to give an IQ test to a woman who has had lots of kids and see where she'll test at! And it's good to know that the parts of the brain that process pain are being slightly dulled at the onset of birth.

So interesting!!

After lunch, I came home and began working on correcting papers for CPT. I am the English Advisor to the Computer Programming masters students. This particular assignment is pure hell. I have to edit 15 page papers. I finally came up with a system yesterday and they're going well. I have one more to do today. I should just get it done, but everytime I open a new paper I find a whole new batch of issues to deal with. Computer Programmers don't write papers, they write reports. They never write complete sentences. They copy and paste from websites without giving any credit to the original authors, and they bullet point everything. It's horrible.

Luckily, I came up with a handy dandy grading sheet so I don't have to rewrite the same stuff on all the papers. It still takes awhile to grade them though.

(I know I am totally talking to the choir here.)

Tonight is final exam night. I still have to come up with a syllabus and course outline for next week's classes. Ugggggh.

Oh well, not everyday can be as fun as last weekend.

I need to get to the gym. I'm not doing too hot with the whole "not eating" thing. I need to get better at it.


Crystal said...

Awesome, one more month and I will be smart again! I have been bumbling my words like an idiot in lecture lately. It is like I am with a speech impediment or something. Today, I was determined not to do it so I deliberately ennunciated every syllable slowly and not only did I bumble that too (my brain is too fast for that!) I sounded even stupider (like the boys that go to Jupiter).

I despise grading too. I have devised a way to save time as well- keep an A in class, no final paper. It is lovely, but really, it only saves 1-2 papers per class. Anyway.

I adore you, need to hold Sparta.

Crystal said...

PS- Valerie wants you to comment on her blog.