Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Scrap Award Post

It is called the honest scrap award and these are the rules...

A) First list 10 honest things about yourself--and make it interesting even if you have to dig deep.

B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of Honest Scrap...

Alicia passed this onto me and I don't know that I embody the spirit of Honest Scrap--but I will try to live up to this award by sharing interesting Scrap about myself. Here goes . . .

1) I am alternately a clean freak and a total slob. It depends on the day. or the time of month to be totally honest. I am completely at the mercy of my hormones. Every woman goes through a "nesting" time during the month--and I look forward to the energetic cleaning the house gets during this time. I will throw pieces of garbage everywhere and then suddenly wake up and decide that I am a very clean person and scrub everything in sight. I wish I could be a "middle of the road" cleanly person, and living with clean people has helped me to develop some good habits, but whenever I'm alone--I'm a mess. And then I become very clean.

2) My musical tastes are kinda crazy. I get a wicked satisfaction in listening to wicked screaming metal music. It's not that bad, but it sucks because some of this music is really good but I can't share it with others because it swears. So it is my secret joy. I happily listened to NIN in the car yesterday and belted out the ranting chorus. On the treadmill today I pushed my heartrate to 180 as I chugged along to My Chemical Romance. I think it's my way of rebelling against other's shallow perceptions of who I am and what I'm supposed to be. Granted, I'd feel pretty stupid at one of these concerts.

3) I never make my bed. Except when I wash my sheets. And then it stays unmade for another week, or longer. I have heard all the reasoning why I should make my bed. I even bought a pretty bed spread, but to no avail. Luckily I was smart enough to buy some nice brick red sheets, so it still looks pretty cool unmade.

4) I am still pretty shy, despite my need to overcome this. I find if I'm in a scripted situation, I do just fine. For example, at church: "How are you? It's so good to see you. I loved your comment in Sunday School." This is an easy script. In the classroom, "Hello! Did everyone have a good week? Where's your assignments?" At a party, "Hi! Good to see you! yeah, sooooo ummmm, I've run out of stuff to say and you're not really saying anything either, and I want to leave now."

5) I am always cold in the wintertime and always hot in the summertime. Seriously, can there be no middle ground? You would think that because I need it so warm in the winter time that summer would be wonderful! Well, just as my body gets used to 60 degrees, it warms up and I start sweating like crazy! I don't think my body will ever get over not being in Utah's lovely dryness.

6) Sometimes I feel like a total fake as a professor. I keep waiting for people to figure out that I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. It works because I'm introducing the students to these subjects, and I really just need to teach them how to read analytically and come up with intelligent and thoughtful conclusions of their own--but still--it sometimes scares me to death. Granted, it's a total dream job. I get to teach people how to think!

7) I have two opposing self images. The 1st is this voice in my head that says that unless I lose a lot of weight, no man will ever marry me. The 2nd is this voice that says, "Well dang Eve--you look hot in that outfit!" I think I'm pretty, but I because of the first voice, I have a hard time believing that men find me attractive. I feel confidence in myself, but I have little confidence in men.

8) Whenever men do find me attractive or make a move, #4 comes into play and I find myself running away. I get so nervous. If a guy looks at me like he's interested, I will blush 5 shades of red and start stammering until I can get my legs, which have since turned to jelly, to move across the floor and out the door. I don't know what is my problem. Seriously. I am such a weirdo. And then I run home and look in the mirror and go, "Well of course he thought I was cute, I look great!" And then I wonder why he doesn't call me. It will take a miracle.

9) I love vacuuming. I think it's so nice and relaxing and the house looks wonderful after it is done. This isn't very scrappy, so I'll tag this one onto it-- I will procrastinate forever. I have to make sure that I give myself enough time to "put things off" without actually putting it off forever. I have to give myself pep talks in the morning, "You will not turn the computer on, you will put your clothes on and go directly to the gym. You will not do the dishes, or take the trash out--you will go to the gym. Period. Are you ready? Okay, 1 , 2, and we're up! Go go go!!" I have to keep myself going without giving my stupid brain time to talk myself out of doing these things. My brain can be so stinking persuasive!!

10) I am the same person inside that I have always been. I would like to change, but at the end of the day I will always be too naive, too trusting. I will always spend too much money. I will always prefer to stay up late. I will always prefer chocolate over brocolli. I will always prefer to hang out with a friend as opposed to going to a big party. I will always be a little bit quiet, but then I'll pull out a little unexpected joke. I'm a feeler. I feel things deeply, and I am incapable of hiding my feelings. But my feelings change with the weather, so there's that. I love deeply, and I laugh a lot, and I have to process things. I trust implicitly, until I don't.

So, that's some Scrap about me.

I would love to bestow the Scrap award on:








Crystal said...

As usual, I love reading what you write. It is so insightful, deep and personal. I love that. It drives me crazy to read the "my life is so perfect and look at the pictures I have to proove it" that I see most everywhere I look. By the way, in absolute soberness, you are one of the most naturally-gorgeous woman I have ever met. And you are hilarious. And so strong. And faithful. And I adore you.

You make me a better person. Thank you for that.

Eve said...

Okay, that comment made my night. Crystal--you're tagged too!! I dub thee winner of the Scrap Award!! Now write 10 things so I can read it!

kendralu said...

Dear Eve,

I miss you.

~Love, kendralu