Monday, December 7, 2009

100 Random Things About Me

I have been wanting to do a post like this for forever, but everytime I do, I go off on a tangent and instead of having random things to say---I suddenly have an entire post about one thing.

So to start this list of random things about myself--

1) When trying to make a point, I have a tendency to overdo it and I run my mouth off forever.

2) I have horrible fingernails. And I suppose I should care about this . . .

3) I love Milli Vanilli.

4) I prefer Diet Coke because if I wanted sugary soda, I'd down a tasty Rootbeer.

5) I fear boredom.

6) I miss having goals. (This will be a whole blog so I'll just leave it at that.)

7) I'm horrible with money. HORRIBLE. I have a suicidal view of money. I basically live with this horrible premise in the back of my mind, "Who cares! You're gonna die someday anyway, why not spend money while you can!" Like I said, it's subconcious so it doesn't rear its head quite high enough to cause me pause.

8) I believe that people are smart. I hate when people act dumb in order to get something that they want. It might work, but it demeans the human race. And I will probably never respect you again.

9) I don't hold grudges, but I do move on. To elaborate: I will forgive people, but in order to avoid a repeat of past offenses, I will be less likely to be around. This is a good thing and a bad thing. It's good because I look after myself--it's bad because it doesn't always feel like true forgiveness.

10) I hate making my bed. I will never like it.

11) I love singing to the radio. The feeling of singing soothes me.

12) I am not a good mormon. I believe in the church, but I am not good at being a mormon. Case in point: I enjoy a well placed swear word. I watch rated-R movies on occassion. I go visiting teaching every other month. I did not watch the Christmas broadcast last night. I don't refer to french kissing as soul kissing, and I like it. Although I think a guy who can give a great closed mouth kiss is AWESOME. (And he's usually much better at "soul kissing" than the guy who can't wait to open his mouth.)

13) I am a good latter-day saint in that--I pray hard for my friends with faith. I do my best to mourn with those that mourn. I believe in the power of prayer. I do my best to see the best in people and to understand their true intentions. I believe that most people are trying their best and I try hard not to take offense where none is given.

14) I did not do my hair at all today. I didn't even brush it out. It is in a wet bun.

I am trying to think of other interesting random things to write, but I think that about covers it.


Melissa said...

I didn't watch the broadcast either. Does that make me bad? ;) I like what one sister in our ward always says (you would love her by the way...she is one of my favorite people, and she's from Jamaica, it just adds to her character)... she always says, "You know, I don't worry about other people and what they do, I figure that's between them and the Lord." SO TRUE!

Salmon Tolman Family said...

I'm laughing right now because the title said 100 things, and I was all psyched up to read all 100 things, and then when it abruptly stopped at 14 I was taken by surprise!!!
I COMPLETELY understand 9, because I'm the same, and numbers 10 and 11 both say my name as well!!!
I can't wait to read the other 86 things as they randomly come!!!

Aili said...

soul kissing??? SOUL kissing?????

you guys are WEIRD. Almost as bad as "Christian sidehug."

And I got your message--I'm on it.

Eve said...

Alisha I love that you read the blog. It makes me happy to know I'm introducing you to all the fun ways of mormons. I love the culture and the religion--though the culture makes me a giggle a little bit. I especially love mormons' need to abbreviate everything from LDS to PPI to FHE. I have to do a blog on mormon abbreviations now. And in return, I want to taste more yummy Mennonite food!