Best concert of my life.
Emily Haines and Jimmy Shaw of Metric played.
Kevin Drew emanated love for the crowd and all the musicians.
Brendan Canning was hilarious and joyous.
All the musicians, all 12 of them (though I lost track of the grand total) were all having a beautiful time. The whole show was filled with this indescribable joy.
I thought my heart would burst in my chest.
There was so much sound! Trumpets, trombones, at least 3 guitars, 2 basses, 2 drummers, and at least 5 keyboards/electronic instruments.
The sound exploded with deft precision and literally altered my mind and my heart.
It was awesome.
Best concert experience of my life.
Are you sure you want to move here? Because seriously, you shouldn't. I would die to live where you live and experience what you're experiencing! :)
The concert was brilliant, but the fact that I was experiencing it alone kind of dampened a near perfect night. It's cheesy, but I've had a lot of beautiful experiences by myself. And that's all good and well, but I like the idea of having adventures with my family and with people I love. It's not about where you live, it's about who you're with when you live. It was really great, but the loneliness was palpable.
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