Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A boring post about Sleeping

I need to start blogging more regularly again. I'm going to!

This morning, I called in sick because I had to pick up my brother and his friends from the airport. When calling in--you reach an automated system. At the end of the call it says,

Press 3 if you want an automated pick me up.

I pressed 3.

The voice said something to this effect:

We're sorry you're not feeling well, but it'll be all right. Get out from under the covers. The sun will peak through the clouds and everything will be fine! We need you! You're an important part of this company!

I love my new job.

My little brother went to NYC this past week with the BYU Model United Nations team and they took everything! It was great hearing about his trip!

I went home and crashed. I slept all day.

I'm exhausted!

Six hours later, I woke up and went to a ward dinner.

And now I'm home.

My word, what a boring post!

But hey--I wrote!

1 comment:

Clarissa Jane said...

haha! where are you working now?! i want to call into life and have that same response!! :)