Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Hurt Back

I threw my back out. It is just swell. But it has reminded me of all the people who care about me. It's been very lovely.

Here's the story. I will make it as magical as possible.

First, I went to bed at 6:30pm Sunday night because I was tired. At 9:30pm, I woke up and watched some stupid television until 11pm and then dropped off to sleep again. I was tired!

I woke up at 7am--a half hour earlier than usual. I happily hopped up and got in the shower. As I was tossing my hair forward to put it in a towel, I felt the lower left side of my back go out.

No biggie! I'll just do some yoga! I got time!

So I stretched and stretched and waited for the back to just pop back into place. Back into a happy happy little place!

This didn't happen.

I decided to go to Walmart to walk around and pick up some fruit and veggies.

Then I went to work and I was still in a swell mood--albeit, I couldn't walk.

I made an appt to go and get my back adjusted at lunch.

I thought I would just go in and he would pop it into place.

He massaged my lower back with an awesome massagy thingy. I was so happy. Sooooo happy.

And then he stopped.

He casually said, "Okay! Get up!"

I couldn't. I sat there and tried to move. I couldn't move my hips. I felt paralyzed. He asked if it was painful. It didn't seem very painful. I just couldn't physically move. I think it was painful, but it didn't feel sharp. Tears streamed down my face. He had me lay back down and he did the massagy thing a little longer.

And then instead of getting up, I rolled off the table and crawled like a baby out of the office.

Dear Heather came and took me to my apartment. The doctor prescribed rest. He gave me a cool note.

Then Joe brought me a heating pad and ice and ibuprofen.

Then Kristi brought me my book from work.

Tuesday, Katie and Joe came over and helped me get my car from the doctor's and we went to the pool so I could relax the muscles there.

Then Roger came over and took me to the grocery store.

Today Gabriel came over with a book on how to heal the back.

That's 6 people in three days who took time out to help me out. I am pretty helpless right now. Movement is limited to say the least.

But hopefully I will heal soon enough. The doctor says I have these microtears in my muscles and it makes it difficult to just pop things back into alignment without causing further damage to my muscles. I just have to relax. Apparently moving 4 times in a year isn't great for the back.

It sucks being out for the count, but it's lovely being loved.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm glad that you have people close by that can do that for you. :) It is always good to feel like people care about you.
Having a back out totally sucks. I don't think I've ever had my back thrown out to the point where they couldn't adjust it, and that was painful enough.
I hope it gets feeling better soon!