Saturday, April 18, 2009

Art and New Music

Today was a perfect, lovely day. I suffered from some strange horrible headache during this day of days, but for the most part, it was lovely.

1) I woke up at 10:30am after falling asleep at 3am. I got out of bed the moment I felt like it.
2) I emailed lectures and responded to students' until 1 pm.
3) I put on my horrible ugly clothes and began painting my deck. The color I picked is a little too orangy, but it's growing on me. I didn't want to go and exchange the color. I just wanted to paint. So I painted. After 2 hours, I decided that I was done painting. I still have quite a bit of painting left to do, but painting a deck is tedious work. This is now going to be a longterm project instead of a one day project. And I'm perfectly fine with that.
4) After rinsing out the brushes, I watered all of my plants. I just want to keep them alive!! This is so much harder than it looks.
5) I made some dinner, put some laundry in and watched some tv while eating.
6) Then my headache began to settle in.
7) Sarah and I went to the grocery store to buy meat for our bbq tomorrow night.
8) I sat on the couch and debated whether or not I could get away with going to an art show in paint covered ugly clothes.
9) I put on a dress and some mascara.
10) I went to the art show. It was wonderful. My friend Melissa Branin curated a show of art created solely through recyclable materials. It was wonderful. There was a great band playing in the gallery. I loved it. But the headache persisted.
11) On the way to the gallery, my parents sent me a text of my little brother Nick in his tux at prom!!! Nick went to prom tonight! It's so cute! He rented a powder blue tux with tails. Magnificent!
12) Now I'm home, in my dress, eating chicken nuggets from McDonald's. The two exedrin have kicked in. I don't know if the headache was allergies or paint related.
13) Sometime between painting and shopping for food, Lesley called and we discussed the merits of creating an artistic community. I need art. I need to create.

But until I get a new show going, I will paint my deck and water my plants. It's good times!
After painting the deck, I'm going to start another cross stitch.

14) Oooh I forgot! I downloaded some new music--well old music. I got Evita, Carole King, Carly Simon, Harry Connick Jr., Jeff Buckley, and Peter Sellers. Yeperooni, it was a great day!

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