Monday, August 10, 2009

Rebel Without a Cause

Tonight was the last night of Screen on the Green at the National Mall. Thousands of peeps lined up on the grass to watch James Dean and Natalie Wood under the stars.

It was great. I don't particularly enjoy sitting on the ground to watch a movie though. I laid down and tried to see the movie, but alas, my boobs blocked my view. But, I'd never wish them away. Instead I just listened to the movie while I watched the pink clouds make the night feel like day. I stared at stars as they floated overhead--and realized that the "stars" were probably satellites. The clouds gathered slowly, and soon little drops began to spray like spit across my face.

Then it poured.

They ended the movie before I could find out what happened.

All in all, it was a nice night.


Melissa said...

I love the imagery! It made me chuckle..."like spit." Still chuckling... :)

Smashie Smasherton said...

I know, what lightweights! It rains for 4 minutes and they shut down the movie. I was perfectly content under my blanket shelter. Lame!

Still, loads of fun. Sad I didn't see you, but not surprised given the crowd.