Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

The Lights at the Visitor's Center at DC Temple

The Temple. Floating in a Bank of Fog.

the Lovely and Talented Morgan Olsen

I have decided to redesign my ENG 320 class.

This means nothing to anyone but me.

I am excited to spend the next few hours reconstructing and refiguring this class.

This is joy to me.

Bring. it. on.

I should probably do laundry too.

By the way--HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I felt a palpable relief wash over me as 2009 slipped away into the night.

I had an amazing time last night. I attended Morgan Olsen's vocal performance at the DC Temple Visitor's Center. I got to see the beautiful lights at the Temple. I went to dinner with friends at Guapo's. And finally, I rang in the new year with dear friends and danced the night away!

It was wonderful. And someone actually asked me if I'd lost weight--(which is SOOOOO not true.) But it was nice to hear, and I'll be wearing that outfit again!

I've decided I'm going to keep 5 New Years Goals for 31 days. I promised my friend Danny that I would keep my goals for at least 31 days. (Why I have this need to prove my tenacity to Danny--I do not know. It could be that he's hot. But, whatever!)

Here they are:
Excercise for 1 hr/day on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
No food after 8pm.
No candy or desserts on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Read scriptures for 30 minutes a day.
Meditate everyday for 20 minutes.

This seems lofty--but I think I can do it. I have 31 days! Who knows what you can achieve in 31 days!

Overall goals for the year:
Go to the temple 2x a month
Put at least $100 a month into a savings account. And don't touch it!
Do something nice for someone everyday
Travel somewhere every month

I have more goals--but these are the ones I think I can keep track of.

What are your goals for this year?

I'm so excited for the hope of 2010. It's going to be a wonderful year!!


Sunshine said...

I love the fact that you want to save money. What you might consider doing is get a savings account that penalizes you if you pull out your money so that way you are more motivated to keep it in the bank. I love savings! LOVE IT!!!!

My goal... have this baby!

That's it! Maybe after the baby is born I can add something else to my list. I like baby steps... small things... so if I put to many on paper I will feel like i need to rebel and then I will do nothing.

Love you! LOTS AND LOTS!

Connie said...

I like your goals. I have a random tidbit for you. If you read 10 pages a day you can read the entire standard works on one year. That is one of my goals. I've started the old testament a few days ago to get a jump ahead this year.

Crystal said...

Awesome post, way to go, Eve. I know you are going to be successful in 2010 of those things and more!

I was actually considering going to the temple last night, but it was foggy and I was concerned. Valerie had a friend over and her dad was REALLY relieved that I decided to stay home. Turns out, he was concerned about the fog too.

By the way, the word for word verification so I can post is sinnation... eh ok.