Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Laundry Can Wait

The snow is falling.
I'm sipping a Diet Dr. Pepper that I've been nursing for two days now.
Eating leftover pizza from Thursday.
And in an hour, I'll dive into leftover birthday cake.
The house is frigid.
I'm sitting in front of the space heater, hoping it will make me warmer.
I'm wearing giant fuzzy slippers.
My laundry is halfway done.
I have clean clothes on my floor mixing with dirty ones because I never put the clean ones away.
I have clean clothes in the dryer that are currently incredibly wrinkly.
I have dirty clothes next to the washer ready to be washed.
By the time I'm done, I'm going to have to start over again.

I think I'll see what's on tv.



Miss Heather said...

Your laundry situation sounds EXACTLY like mine... no joke. I'm terrible with laundry stuff.

I am also checking out what's on TV and not doing my laundry.... :)

Eve said...

I am currently paying utilities while watching Scrubs. I'm glad to know I have a kindred soul in you my dear!

Crystal said...

Thank you for being real. Last week, I wore the same pair of pants for 4 days, but they were washed each night, I just did not have the strength to open my dresser and look for other clean clothes ;-)

How much snow'd ya get?

Eve said...

Laundry's still sitting unfolded in giant piles. I keep hoping they'll walk off by themselves.

The snow is still falling. I'm hoping it will stop. I don't wanna be snowed in tomorrow.

I am very glad it's happening on a weekend!