Saturday, September 11, 2010

What I've Been Up To

I've been up to a lot since coming back to Utah. I haven't really blogged much lately though.

My life has gone from working about 20 hours a week and making more money than I ever have--to working every day--on my feet all day--for a bit less.

I am reminded that the more money you make--the less you work. I really like my work now though. I liked it before too, don't get me wrong--teaching is incredibly fulfilling. But I like going to work at Rubios everyday. The restaurant prides itself on fresh food and I love that they value doing things well. I really like the people I work with too. Everyone takes great pride in giving really great food to people.

So for the past two weeks I've been counting food, cleaning floors and tables, greeting customers, and working on my feet for about 7 to 8 hours a day (not too many). My not so little body isn't used to being on the feet all day long. My back kind of tightens up into this mass. It's weird. It feels numb. But I really like the work. I kinda wish I made the same as I made before, but there's a time and a place for everything.

By only making a certain amount of money, I am forced to enjoy living with my grandmother. And by living with her, I am privileged to listen to stories about what it was like when my grandpa died in the F104 (The Widowmaker) back in the 60s. I get to listen to stories about their last trip to Italy, and about my Great Grandpa's experience fighting the Battle of the Bulge.

I auditioned for a play at a little theatre in Salt Lake City. I get to play Nurse Rached in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Between work and the play, I don't have a lot of time for much else. But I do manage to think about things enough to enjoy some pathos.

I miss my friends in Virginia, but I'm very aware that this step, as painful as it is on my wallet and on my heart--was a necessary step for me.

I wish I was a better person. I wish I had more of my life figured out.

But I'm okay. And that's pretty good considering.


Bonny@Spontaneousniceties said...

Eve, my paternal grandfather was a medic at the Battle of the Bulge! And I love thee!

Eve said...

When I was typing "Battle of the Bulge", I had this insane desire to type something stupid like--I feel closer to my grandfather now because I too am fighting a Battle of the Bulge. Ha ha ha!! I crack myself up!

Alicia said...

I am SO coming to that play to see you play Nurse R. Let me know dates and times, etc. I am so completely preggo that I'm not sure I will make it this weekend. Which depresses me, so I'm not going to dwell on it.

Sunshine said...

Eve, I don't think anyone has their life figured out. Even the rich folk.. it's good for us. (at least that's what I keep telling myself so, please, don't burst my bubble!)

And, I love thee to! Hugs!

Clarissa Jane said...

oh, how i miss you!!