Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I think the doctrine of gratitude is deceptively simple.

We hear sayings like, "Attitude of gratitude" and it just doesn't seem like a deliciously deep doctrine.

But I believe that it is a rich doctrine.

Gratitude requires a shift of focus. It is an action that reflects our faith and hope.

I love reading everyone's twankful tweets and facebook posts. I don't know why I don't jump on the bandwagon, except that often the things I'm grateful for are inappropriate to post on facebook. For example, "I'm grateful that my boss was mean to me today because it will make it soo much easier to quit!" These aren't things that I should put out there on facebook. I put it here because no one at work reads this bloggy.

But in the spirit of gratitude and recognition, I'm going to post about the things I'm grateful for.

I've had a bit of a hard time. It's long and complicated.

Last week, I felt an outpouring of love and support from friends. I had three different people tell me that they had put my name on the prayer roll at the temple.

I've been in a fog about my future and for that matter, my present. I basically just tell myself to work hard everyday and somehow things will work out. But I don't have the clarity to sit down and work out a plan. Making a plan forces me to look at my life which is just depressing. So I work very hard and I try to accomplish one day at a time.

This weekend, I went home to visit my parents. My mom forced me to look at my bills. She forced me to calculate interest I was paying. I took a long look at how much money I would need to move into an apartment. I made a plan. She and my step-dad generously cut me a check to pay off a couple of high interest debts so that I could just pay them back monthly and save myself 7 extra months of payments.

I found an apartment that is perfect for my needs. Remember my dream of having a little apartment? Yep. Found it! The price is perfect and the deposit is practically nothing.

I'm being considered for two jobs at a great company that would allow me to use my education, while working remotely--which would allow me to travel. And it would pay the bills and provide health insurance.

In the meantime, I found a full-time position at another company so that I can move into my new apartment. It's not a great job--but it's full-time and after 60 days, it has benefits.

And I have a show opening tonight!

I am overwhelmed by the love my Heavenly Father continues to show for me despite all my shortcomings. I am incredibly grateful for unselfish friends who despite their own problems take the time to sincerely care for me. I am truly blessed. Thank you Thank you.


Melanie said...

Wow, Eve! That is a lot to be thankful for in a very short time. I hope that helps you see that you are making the right choices by making prayerful choices. And I hope that you keep being rewarded for working hard every day.

Kjersti said...

YAY! I am glad things are looking up! Where are you moving?

Melissa said...

I am glad things are starting to look up a little bit. Yay!

Sunshine said...

I HEART you!