I'm kind of excited by all the things I got to do this weekend. So I'm making a list.
Friday: We moved our offices in Bethesda. I no longer have my room with a view. As the office admin, I was responsible for seeing that things came off without a hitch--and they did!
Friday night: I met my roommate Sarah in Chevy Chase and we went to dinner and a movie. We were early for the showing, so we went to a jewelry store and looked at diamonds! Why? Because they're pretty! And we met Tim and he told us all sorts of stories about diamonds!
We went and saw 27 Dresses. I won't ruin it for you by expressing my opinion. I enjoyed it--but I found it utterly unempowering. I had some real problems with the message it conveyed. I'll go off on it after everyone's had a chance to enjoy it. I think I just don't like chick flicks.
Late Friday night/Early Saturday morning:
I took Sarah to Dulles Airport
I went to see There Will Be Blood with Josh. He came to get me at 11:30am. Who sets an alarm clock for 11:30am?!! Not me! I woke up to hear him talking to the neighbor. He had tried calling and texting and I was out like a light.
This movie was brilliant! Nuff said. I'll go off about it later. I need to keep the list going!
Saturday afternoon:
Josh and I visited the National Geographic Museum and looked at pretty photos while talking politics. Ahhh sweet politics!
Saturday evening:
We celebrated Spencer's birthday at Smith and Wollensky's! (I had the filet mignon!)
Saturday night:
We watched Stranger Than Fiction at Christina's house. (Giant sigh of joy!)
Sunday morning:
Church! I taught the lesson on the nature of God the Father in Relief Society. (insert another Giant sigh of joy!)
Sunday Afternoon:
Choir practice!
Sunday night:
I drove down to Harrisonburg and spent Monday visiting with Crystal and her family. I attended her class at Mary Baldwin College. She teaches a Women's Health class that was sooo interesting! She's a brilliant woman and I'm proud to call her my friend.
Monday night: I drove back to DC after enjoying time in the country among friends.
It's times like these that make life really worth living.
(Giant sigh of joy for all of it--the whole shebang.)
oh, yay! I am glad you had such an awesome weekend! You were busy doing fun stuff! So is 27 dresses worth seeing?
I think you could easily hold out for the video!
I am so glad you came down. I looked forward to it all week and then- you were here! Lucky me! You are the best kind of friend and I honestly and truly know that. I think about you so much and how I really want the world for you. I don't sit around and think like that for many, but you are definitely one for whom I do. You just bring light and love and laughter to every place you go. That is the best kind of thing to bring to any place AND you really "get" people. Learning what you have learned from others often helps me learn about myself. I am so so so grateful for that too...
I could go on, but I need to have something gushy to write in your birthday card.
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