Yesterday I woke up at 2:45 am.
Clarissa drove Spencer and I to Chinatown where we barely caught the bus to NYC.
We were late getting on the bus, so we had to sit with strangers.
I slept really fitfully the whole way there.
We took a cab from Chinatown to Chelsea where we were the first ones there for the audition.
The audition went well. I loved looking at all the people who were auditioning for the various companies. You could hear the voices through the walls belting away. As I sat in my chair on deck for my audition for the Shakespeare Company, two dancers came out of one audition. They were both sweaty and breathing hard, but smiling. Two minutes later, the auditor came out of the room and said to the first pretty boy, "We've seen enough. Thank you." And to the other guy, "Please take a look at these sides."
It was so interesting to breathe it all in. Then of course the door opened and I went my merry way into my audition.
I nailed it.
Nothing will come of it, but I nailed the sucker.
After the audition, I immediately needed to find a new pair of shoes. Oh my poor feet. I bought some incredibly cute sneakers, and they ripped up my heels. We finally found a store where I bought flip flops. Oh sweet relief! I have the biggest blisters in the world!
We found a nice restaurant and ate on the street where we watched a man with a green beard and a white tutu sail down the road, followed by Ethan Hawke energetically talking with a director. Sigh.
Once we realized we were not going to be called back, we took a cab back to Chinatown and climbed onto the bus. I would normally be sad about this, but the audition was a for a fellowship that we're both overqualified for and we really just came for the chance to strut our stuff in front of the company. It was a good plan and Spencer has an audition with them again next week. After my audition, David Muse commented, "So, you live in the DC area? Good. This is good."
We got on the bus and Spencer decided that it would be a good idea to sit in the back.
Sooooo wrong.
Everytime someone went to the bathroom, I died a little inside.
The gentlemen sitting on my left were disgusting and vulgar. I was mortified by them. We watched Ratatouille on Spencer's ipod and spent the rest of the time talking.
As time sped by, the bus did not. We spent all together about 11 hours on the bus yesterday. Then we metroed to my metro stop where Clarissa picked us up at 11:30pm.
By the end of the night, I was so incredibly tired. I haven't had more than 4 hours of sleep every night this week. I was able to get in about 5 hours last night before leaving for Baltimore at 6am to do another show.
I am home now. It's Friday night. I've lost another pound. I went grocery shopping. It's 9pm and I think I might just fall into bed.
What great week!