Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Enjoy Being a Girl

Last night I sat in the midst of hundreds of faithful women and just relished the power of the Relief Society General Meeting. On my left was Jackie, an amazing African American woman who personifies energy and charity. On my right were two young women, one with a brand new baby. All around me, women of every walk of life were just soaking in the talks. It is like Christmas. It was such a gift. I kept sighing with joy.

We were invited to come early and eat a nice dinner together. There were 4 lines that winded their way towards the food in the center. I stood in line, socializing with the ladies next to me for 45 minutes, and finally gave up and drove to Panera to buy a sandwich. I feel like I was able to enjoy the social aspect, but I wasn't about to finally make my way to the front of the line for scraps. Besides, I was getting a little bitter as I imagined inconsiderate women "jumping" in line. 45 minutes is just too long to stand looking at food. I wanted to feel a spirit of love and charity, and my spirit of love and charity was leaking from me the longer I stood in that line.

When I got back, I sat next to Jackie and just relished in the power that was in the room. If you're mormon, you either heard Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk already, or you're planning on hearing it--but if you're not mormon--and you just want to hear an amazingly uplifting sermon directed specifically towards women, go to and listen to the mp3 of the meeting. Elder Uchtdorf is the last talk, but the first 3 are given by amazing and inspiring sisters as well.

He explored the source of God's happiness. He talked about the need to understand what made our Heavenly Father happy and he narrowed it down to creation and compassion. And then he encouraged women to emulate God's happiness by filling our lives with opportunities to create and share compassionate service with one another.

There were so many wonderful moments in this conference. I'm really looking forward to General Conference.

And as a post script--Baby Asher comes home from NICU today! Monday morning, Crystal's doctor declared that "elves must have been in her room" and that her liver was miraculously healed. They sent her home. Thank you so much for your prayers.

I have never been more humbled by the gifts and powers that women of faith hold. It is an overwhelming honor to be a woman.

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