Thursday, March 12, 2009

Memoirs from the Grindstone

I am currently sitting in class waiting for my best and brightest to finish taking the test so that I can go home and watch tv.

Truly, I am a ball of ambition.

Everyone presented their research papers tonight. It was more than a little interesting to sit and listen to a paper given on abuse when all of us were accutely aware that the abused wife was sitting in the back of the class with her husband--who did not know that we all knew he beat her. (Does that make sense?) She came to class alone once and told us that he had beat her and that he left her. Well . . . they worked things out and he is back in class. And so little Lataja got up and gave a great presentation on the different types of abuse women suffer. It was perfect. I could have hugged Lataja.

Kelvin gave a paper on the consequences of war in Liberia. It was wonderful and scathing. Porcia talked about arranged marriages and a friend who had escaped marriage to a 50 year old man when she was 14.

And right now, they're just plodding away working on their tests.

I brought them Easter candy, so despite how "difficult" the test is--(I swear this is the easiest test in the world . . .) they would still love me. I need them to love me.

I even brought sugar-free candy for the diabetics. I'm that lovable.

My new supervisor told another Dean today, (and cc'd me) that he is going to cut my rate as the CPT advisor to $25/hour. I told him he could do that if he liked, but that I would no longer be working as the CPT advisor if he did. Stupid dork. If you're gonna cut my pay after I did a killer job this quarter, at least have the decency to write me a direct email about it instead of cc'ing me. Trust me--I can live without having to edit papers week in and week out.

I love my job, but today I am not luhhhving my job.

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