Monday, January 31, 2011

A Long Happy Day

Today was a good day.

I didn't go to bed until 1 am. Not wise.

I got called this morning at 8:30am to sub for a class that started at 8:25am. Yikes! I threw on some clothes and ran to the school.

I was worried about the assignment. It was a middle school classroom of behaviorally challenged students. And they behaved like little angels! The teacher didn't leave any lesson plans, so we had to wing it. The kids were great. I had 5 different periods, but many of the same kids returned to the class throughout the day. I spent one hour playing hangman with the kids and other word games. The kids had fun coming up with their own hangman words to share. In one class, I had them describe what superpower they would choose. In another hour, I read to them the first 3 chapters of Ender's Game in an effort to get them interested in finishing the book after I left.

The principal came in and observed the class during the pre-algebra class. We were talking about different ways they could remember their times tables. You would think that in the 7th grade, they'd know their multiplication tables--but I noticed a lot of them were having troubles. So we were going through some difficult numbers together. The principal seemed pleased. The kids had a great time. And they learned!

It was really satisfying.

I worked on my taxes tonight. I messed up. I need to redo things tomorrow. It's so frustrating because I have to file in two states, and I have to use two different places in Virginia as home offices. It's a wee bit complicated to say the least.

After working on the taxes for 2 hours, I went to family home evening where I met some nice new people at church.

And now, I'm relaxing in front of the television. I might do my nails.

Tomorrow I have to pay the rent. That ain't gonna happen. But I'm still at peace. It will all work out. One really long day at a time.

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