Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Intuitive Men

I'm open to love, to relationships--whatever.

I'm open.

If a guy is interested, I'm open to the idea. Generally. Unless I'm not, and then, I'm not.
How's that for vague?

Once upon a time while I was at BYU I came across a nice guy, albeit unattractive to me, who had just returned from his mission. Because I wanted to be nice and show that I was "open", I invited him over to watch a movie at my house that evening. I figured he was new and needed some new friends. I then called a couple of friends and got the whole thing in motion.

Only the guy never showed! He called later and told me that he had felt prompted not to go to the party or to date me.

Well, I was a little non-plussed to say the least.

To make a long story short, I'm going to jump to the point. I don't date a lot. I don't have relationships. I'm open to them. I give guys the benefit of the doubt, but more often then not they aren't interested in me. I go back to this singular example from BYU and I wonder if the guys are getting intuitions to stay away from me for one reason or another.

Don't get me wrong, I date. Sometimes I go out more than others, but on the whole, I don't have relationships with mormon guys.

That said, when I'm feeling intune myself, I recognize that I'm simply being spared the heartache of dating a guy that isn't the guy for me. I realize that there are so many people I wouldn't have met and experiences I never would have had if I had gotten married before this time. I am so grateful for my life and how things have unfolded.

I went out with a couple of nice guys this past week, and while both are nice and I'm open to the idea. I could sense intuition at work. I felt attractive and I had a wonderful time with both guys, but despite the good times, someone's intuition kicked in.

It's crazy. I have to believe that there's something mysterious going on because the other option is that all men are a bunch of loonies, and I'm just not in the mood to come to those kinds of conclusions tonight.

I really enjoy going out with the good guy friends right now though. I'm having a wonderful time!

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

...or their intuition is not from the right source... love you Evey Pevey