Thursday, June 25, 2009

Leaky Ceiling

There's something leaking from the ceiling. It's been dripping all night long.

I called the landlord and he told me to turn off the main valve to the water and wait for the plumber to come. I can flush each toilet 1x. That's 4 flushes. Thank heaven we have a lot of toilets!

I have about a gallon of water in the house system before it runs dry.

So much for running the dishwasher. . .

My landlord asked me to poke a hole in the ceiling so that the weakened ceiling didn't fall through. I was hoping that the water would come dribbling through the perfect little hole that I made with the screwdriver, but it continues to drip slowly from the smoke detector. No water is coming from the hole. It took every ounce of effort not to start poking random holes in the ceiling. It was kind of fun jabbing a screwdriver into the ceiling.

In other news, I am selling furniture online and so far I have my first sale! Here's hoping I can get rid of some stuff!

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