Freshly painted deck!

Old deck. But new bbq!

old deck. Sad. grey. splintery, old deck.

New Deck! Pretty! Painted! Lovely!
This weekend, we had a bbq for my roommate Angelina. She is leaving for Iraq again this month. She'll be gone for 6 months. Everyone was able to relax and enjoy the newly painted deck!!
It's so purty! I still need to finish up some of the trim and paint the back of the deck, but it's nice to be able to walk out on the deck in my bare feet without having to worry about slivers. Bring on the summer! Next purchase: a chaise lounge. I plan to sip water, laying on my pretty deck, preparing for classes in the sun!
It looks really and truly beautiful. Did you sand all that too!? WOW! Anyway, it looks fantastic! What a good thing for you to have done for your whole house. Tell your roommate good luck and be safe!
You did a lot of work! It's a bigger deck than I expected. WOW!
That looks so freaking good!!! I want to come and sip water and sit in the sunlight! Sigh...
sand? Was I supposed to sand? Well, I didn't. I just wanted to paint. So I painted!
And you are all welcome to join me any time you want!
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