Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Miss Happypants

I have a rather substantial break between classes. I teach from 9am-1:30pm. Then I take a big break until 6pm. I have gone home during this break, but traffic gets a little hairy and it can take about 40 minutes to get to the house. That's 80 minutes of driving--or the length of a short movie!

Usually, I will watch a matinee. But this week, there is absolutely nothing I want to see.

It's an interesting dilemma this break--if I work straight through, grading papers and preparing lectures, I find that I run out of steam by about 8pm. This isn't good when class usually wraps up around 10pm. So, I have to figure out a way to relax.

Today was wonderful. First, I went to lunch at Panera and enjoyed a big salad and a tasty sandwich. I was starving when I got there and had to exercise amazing self control and not order 3 sandwiches and 5 bowls of soup. While eating, I had a great talk with the arts administrator at the Junebug about the Poe show, and solved some logistical problems. (Yay for accomplishing something even when you're not trying to!)

Then, I went to Avenue to see if they had anything cute on sale. They did! I bought a gorgeous black dress. I am so excited! It has spaghetti straps, but it will look amazing under a little sweater for the fall!

After that, I was incredibly cranky because I had to go to the restroom. It's amazing how bodily needs drive our decisions. I pulled into the Borders and ran in. Once that problem was solved, I was so happy at how my mood immediately changed from irritable to joy. (It's the little things in life people!) I wanted to buy an interesting book or two. I bought 5.

First of all, I bought Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. And then 4 cook books for $2.99 each! When the cashier asked if I wanted to donate a book to a local school, I immediately bought Matilda by Roald Dahl.

After making my purchases, I had a wonderful phone conversation with a wonderful friend.

and I just sound like Miss Happypants herself, don't I!

Well, I am. I am Miss Happypants. And since tonight the students are taking their midterms, I get to leave early!



Melissa said...

I am glad for you! You deserve to be Miss Happypants! :)

Smashie Smasherton said...

Ooh! I've been meaning to read Outliers. I'm watching my spot in the hold line at the library slowly move upwards. Tell me how it is!