Friday, October 22, 2010

Help me out friends

I'm currently lost. I have no idea where I am or where I'm going.

But I feel very strongly that I'm in the right place for me. For some reason, God has decided that I need to have certain experiences and learn certain lessons. I feel myself evolving and changing as a result of this humbling experience.

I make a lot of mistakes. I have so many things that I need to change and solve about myself. But I'm narrowing down my priorities.

No matter how lost I may be--or what problems in my life I haven't solved--I will strive every day to:

1) Help someone to feel God's love.
2) I will work hard everyday at whatever I am doing.
3) I will take time out for friends and loved ones, regardless of other "priorities".
4) I will strive to be honest with myself.
5) I will treat myself with respect and demand that others treat me with the same respect.

As long as I can remember these values everyday, I can forgive other mistakes.

This is just another page in my effort to turn the corner.

I've been talking a lot with Chris lately. I know, he hurt me. I could never explain the whole story, but please know I'm taking great care to protect my heart. I am striving to honestly identify and respect my own needs. But without going into great detail, please know that he is a good man. And I understand him. I believe that we are friends for a reason. And I'm very much at peace with just being his friend right now.

Please pray for him. He's such a good person and he's facing so many daily trials that I know are just getting to him. I can't make him take care of himself. That's one of the problems that I have with him--if he can't care for himself--how can I ever trust that he will take time out to care for me--but he spends every day caring for his two special needs children. Every moment he isn't working, he is with them. And right now, he has horrible gout and migraines. I know he's not going to be happy about me sharing his personal drama--but he'll get over it. He needs your prayers.

Thanks friends. You are wonderful!

1 comment:

Ace said...

I am here. How can I help?