Sunday, October 24, 2010

Movies about Women in the 60s or Rather--Mormon Women Today

I remember when Mona Lisa Smile came out. I really enjoyed it. It hit on the conflict between being a wife and mother and having a career that women "faced" during the 60s. When it came out, I was in graduate school, and none of my friends liked the movie. They just couldn't relate with the issues that the movie presented. I realized then exactly how different my LDS upbringing was from my friends upbringing. I couldn't imagine having a life where the dilemma between having a career and having a family just didn't exist.

This weekend, I saw Secretariat. During the movie, Penny Tweedy is faced with the dilemma of her loyalty to her father's legacy and her husband and children. There's a scene where her husband tells her that he won't spend any of his money bailing her out. She cringed at his words, "my money." We labor under the illusion that we are a part of a family--that we each play our particular part--and whether your role is to earn the checks or to run the business of the household--the money certainly doesn't just belong to breadwinner.

I wonder if my culture is so far behind the times that I relate better with the issues discussed in movies filmed in and around the 60s. Hmmm....

I guess I just can't convince myself that issues of equality are really truly all figured out. I still believe that there's a lot left to learn.

1 comment:

Bri said...

Oh Eve! You always have the best advice, I swear. Today has brightened a lot, by just speaking and writing everything out I feel more balanced. I miss you entirely too much.

My promise to come visit is not an empty one! When I do, I'll bring Mona Lisa Smile with me and we can watch it and laugh and cry.