Monday, May 4, 2009

Float On

I found one of my favorite songs this weekend. It's called "Float On" by Modest Mouse. I have wonderful memories of dancing to this song at Baja Bean in Staunton. Imagine a smoky bar filled with friends and loved ones. The band is rocking out and the whole crowd is jumping up and down screaming, "All right all ready we'll all float on! All right all ready don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy! All right, all ready we'll all float on!"

Everyone had their worries. We all had thesises to write. Breakups and hook ups were going on all around. But for those moments as the song played, there was this wonderful collective sigh as we all sang at the top of our lungs with the band.

So, for those of you who feel like life is getting a little heavy and you just need to get through things--look at the playlist on the left, and blast out "Float On" and sing it out as loudly as possible. Or better yet, download it to your ipod and blast it in your car. I promise it's very difficult to listen to and not start jumping up and down. Not that I'm suggesting you jump up and down in the car. . . perhaps the kitchen would be a safer listening space.

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