Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Post Inauguration

still crying.

The "simple gifts" song was incredible.

I am so happy! I almost wish I had gone. But not really. I don't have the stamina for it. And frankly, I keep watching the beautiful faces of the people they're interviewing on tv, and it makes me happy that I'm here to see this.

I LOVED the benediction. So fabulous!

The economy is still crashing, but today we're happy. Happy happy. (I wanna write something brilliant here, but I got nothin'.)

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Miss Heather said...

Today was amazing. I watched it live (in bed) and was moved to tears so many times. When Obama was walking down the hall toward the doorway you could see the mantle he's about to bear slowly lowering itself on his shoulders. It was such a personal moment to me, to be able to see him right at that moment. I cried and cried. His speech was amazing, everything was. I'm so proud to be an American today.