Monday, January 26, 2009

The Weekend!

I'm sitting here feeling completely at one with my morning. I am warm, happy and inspired!

I need to post pictures of my monster truck jam experience, but the pics are in the camera--and to go and get them would RUIN my perfect morning position.

So, look forward to amazing monster truck jam pictures and videos. Coming soon! (About the time that hunger compels me to leave my lovely bed.)

Meanwhile, I shall talk about my weekend.

Friday night:

Monster Truck Jam!

Saturday morning:

Cleaned the house!

Saturday night:

My birthday party!
(We danced around, CJ's daughter and fiancee made me the most BEAUTIFUL cake ever, and we held intermittent poetry readings. )

Sunday morning:

Sourdough french toast with Philly friends who stayed over from the party!
(So stinking tasty!--I speak of the toast, but the friends were pretty easy on the eyes!)

Sunday afternon:

(What's to say--it was a lovely 3 hours, followed by yours truly directing the choir!)

Sunday late afternoon:

Dinner and a show!
(Dinner was my mama's chicken casserole with a cuminy twist, and the show Sade, Eric, Jon, and I gathered around my computer to watch Arrested Development.)

Sunday night:

Games at Rachel's
(I thought Philly boys would fer sure wanna head out early in order to get back to their digs--but no--these boys wanted to hit every party in town. And so we went and Jon schooled us all at this trivia game whose name escapes me now.)

Late Sunday night:

Curl in bed in exhaustion from a most perfect and lovely weekend.
(After chatting it up with Sadey Sue for an hour or so.)

What nice way to spend three days!


Sunshine said...

I'm a looser....!!! I totally thought your birthday was the 27th. How lame.... anyway HAPPY-31 YEAR OLD -BIRTHDAY!!!!! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOO! Make it your best year ever!

Eve said...

It is the 27th! I had my birthday party on Saturday so that when people asked me how old I was, I could say, "30!" (tee hee hee). And because the party was on the weekend, out of town friends were able to come!

Sunshine said...

YE Haww! I didn't miss it after all... whew...

Miss Heather said...

It sounds like you had a blast!!! you're so awesome!!