Monday, November 23, 2009

Being Inconvenient

I feel a little freer today than I did yesterday.

I'm beginning to understand the freedom and the power that comes in being inconvenient.

Last night a guy wanted to go out with me. It's sad how my brain works, (or heart rather), but all I could think of was--"Really! That's swell!" I should have been thinking--"No Eve! He's totally horrible! No Eve--remember how he treated you last time! Remember how you haven't heard from him in a week!"

A part of my brain was working and I didn't respond to his invite. As I prepared to go and see the Young Women sing in a youth fireside--I told my roommate that I was not going to put on make-up or brush my hair so that I wouldn't go and see this guy after the fireside. Ugliness is a great preserver of virtue.

But during the fireside--he sent about 10 text messages. His neediness was incredibly tempting.

So I wrote back.


I said that I would meet him under certain conditions. I expressed them clearly. He said he was coming over.

I came home. I put make-up on, etc. But I didn't leave the house.

He kept texting me, trying to get me to renig on my conditions.

And I didn't.

He never came over.

I got my way! I laid down the law and I won! I did not change my conditions so that it would be more convenient for him. I was utterly inconvenient and completely unavailable except on terms that I set down.

I feel empowered and lighter today.

So today my brother wants me to fly out to see his show this weekend. My first thought is--"How much are tickets to Iowa?" Then I remember all the times that he has inconvenienced himself for me. Oh yeah--never! And as much as I love him and as much as I'd love to see the show--I'm going to keep my Thanksgiving plans and if he wants to see me--he can inconvenience himself by giving me more than 3 days notice.

Feeling even better.


Salmon Tolman Family said...

more power to you for establishing your boundaries!!!

Miss Heather said...

I somehow had this post and the Overland post melting together into one post... SO I commented on the Overland post but most of it was for this post. Hee hee! Mondays, right? :)

Crystal said...

You rock. I had a REALLY GORGEOUS guy with a great family, great job, great personality... ALL OF IT break up with me because of terms and conditions. That felt really awful and way cool at the same time. I firmly believe that we are blessed for those things, Eve!

What are you doing for thanksgiving? We are staying home, but I could totally come see you after the actual day of turkey, plus I could bring my sister in law who likes me.

Ace said...

My good friend Dallan helped me realize that having those terms and conditions helps make dating so much easier. Way to go my dearest Evie!

Sunshine said...

You Freaking ROCK!!!!!! Put that stupid boy in his place!

And, good for you for realizing that you don't have to drop everything for the stupid and lame! (even though secretly we want too) but kuddos for sticking with it!

I'm totally calling you..... seriously I am... because well, you rock!!