Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Super Power

So this guy comes into the office and just stands there. Really awkwardly.

He says thank you for something or other.

him: You're a really nice person. Really nice. My friends were just saying that.

His feet are shifting all over the place.

He tells me about his stones collections.

(speaking of stoned....)
He says something about liking to hug and not to mind him if he gets too close.

I look him straight in the eye.

me: I keep my distance. No touching. Stay away. 

him: No of course not! This counter is what two feet wide?

Me: Sure.

Uncomfortable pause.

 He asks if he can salt the walkways for me. I tell him I've already done it.

him:  Oh but I slipped! I should do it again for you!

I let him.

He comes in and uses the bathroom.

him: "You need to put more toilet paper in there!"

me: I'll do it.

him: I can do it!

me: No, I will do it.

He moves over closer as I grab the toilet paper and takes the rolls out of my hands.

him: I need two for both rooms.

me: well, I.... Oh who cares. Fine. Take them into the bathrooms.

He comes back over to the counter. He stands there. I turn the music up in the office and type into the computer, trying to ignore him.

It is incredibly difficult to be rude. This isn't my nature. But being nice isn't an option.

me: Do you need something?

him: Just trying to be warm.

He's not wearing a coat.

I purse my lips and stare at the computer.

him: Well, I should get going.

I say nothing. Just keep staring ahead.

Not. Cool.

Today I am grateful for the wisdom to be a bitch. I felt like I controlled the situation pretty well. I feel in control and empowered. There wasn't a moment in that whole exchange that I gave him the satisfaction of appearing to be uncomfortable. It is sometimes difficult to not be the "nice girl" all the time. But I am grateful for the presence of mind to embrace my inner bitch. She is a powerful woman and I'm happy that she's a part of my make-up.

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